Uncharted 3 gameplay trailer

Mass Effect 3 Gamescom Trailer

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Review Roundup

Over the last few months i have played a lot of games and to try and write reviews for each one of them would take to long as E3 is coming up so i have a quick review roundup for a few of them where i will tell you what i think and not go into to much detail like storyline etc.

Alan Wake
When a game has been in development for so long you get a little scarred as you don't know how it will turn out and most of the time these games end off being crap at best, so it was a joy to find out that Alan Wake bucked the trend by being a really decent game however not a brilliant game.

The game follows a writer who is has gotten a bad case of writers block so his wife takes to a small town called Bright Falls however on arriving he knows that things arn't going to go so well and when his wife disappears and strange people called taken show up Alan's writters block isn't the only thing that's going to go wrong for him.

The game is a very good one on a technical point of view and a sound one however it does fall apart a little because it can become a bit repetitive as you have to go through a lot of forests and battle against same looking enemies however for the first half of the game this isn't a problem it just starts to grate the further you go through the game.

With this being a survival horror/thriller game you would expect to be scared however you don't get that feeling but it's always there in the background wanting to creep up on you, it's a shame that it doesn't.

A very good game on it's own Alan Wake does have enough to keep you playing until the end to discover a really good ending however it has it's problems which can mare the game itself a little.
If you are after a survival horror/thriller game and were pissed off that the last resident evil or silent hill didn't provide this then Alan Wake should satisfy a little, however don't expect anything big.

Split Second Velocity
Racing games are one of my weak points when it comes to videogames as i can't get my head around them little, so the only racing games i can stand are ones that are not your straight forward ones and ones that feature some kind of explosion or power ups and it's a joy for me to hear that Split Second is one of those explosive games and explosive is a understatement when describing Split Second.

Having some great cars at your hands isn't the biggest selling point of this game it's the huge explosions or power plays as it's know in this game that is the main thing.
Drifting or drafting behind other players adds power to your power play meter at the bottom of the screen and as soon as it fills up 1 or 2 blue segments you can unleash a level 1 power play that will either knock the other drivers for six or blow them up in an explosive fashion however it's the level 2 power plays that cause the most damage.
As soon as your meter hits red when you get the the chance you can either change the route of the track or unleash a power play that will guarantee you to get a few drivers in a big massive explosion.

I could go on and on about the power plays and the impact of the however the joy of this game is to experience them yourself instead of me ranting on about them.

It's not just the power plays that create an impact on this game it helps when a game like this looks nice and sounds nice and Split Second doesn't fail as it's a really nice looking game with some impressive explosions and some eye popping tracks.
The sound doesn't disappoint either as you do get some roar from the cars and the noise of the explosions just adds some meat to the sound track.

The game isn't all just roses though as some of the challenges can be a bit annoying and a lot of the cars are useless as you find yourself using some of the early cars, but these are just a few niggle in a really good game.

The game is enjoyment from it's start to the end and will provide so much fun whether you play it online or offline.
There are a few problems but these don't spoil much of the fun that you get from Split Second

Well there is 2 of the games i've played there are a few more however i will do a separate post for these after this years E3 is over

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