Uncharted 3 gameplay trailer

Mass Effect 3 Gamescom Trailer

Sunday, March 13, 2011

VNQ10 James Turn

It seems that i might of struck a little gold with my new idea and i have a few people that want to take part which makes me a really happy bunny.

Todays VNQ10 will see James (Relinquiish) take part so a usual the same 10 questions have been asked and i think that a few of the answers will be a bit surprising to people who know James.

1 - If you could be a videogame character who would it be and why?
For me it would have to be the Eyebot from Fallout 3 as life would be sweet floating around the wasteland all day listening to music.
2 - What does your favourite movie say about you?
Pirates of the Caribbean is my favourite movie and it says that i would like to live life like a pirate, ARAGH.
3 - If you could play truth or dare with anybody from the past who would it be and what truth would ask and what dare would you give?
I would like to meet Winston Churchhill, the truth i would ask him would be how many cigars do you smoke a day and the dare i would tell him to do is to go up to Hitler and kiss him on the cheek to see if he would like it.
4 - If videogames were to end what would you like to end it on?
A new Fallout game.
5 - The PS3 has been related to a sandwich toaster so what sandwich would you toast in it?
Grilled cheese with Worcestershire sauce.
6 - What movie would you like to see turned into a videogame?
7 - Apart from where you live what country would you like to live in?
8 - If you had a lot of money which videogame company would you buy and why?
I would buy Bethesda and the reason i would buy them is down to there good quality games.
9 - What's your favourite chocolate bar?
Kinder Bueno.
10 - Which famous celebrity would you like to see turned into a videogame character and how would you kill him/her?
I would like to see the Jonas Brothers turned into videogames characters and i would make them get chased by the Dahaka from Prince of Persia only for them to fall into a pit of lava.

So that's James answers to the questions tell me what you think and if you want to take part let me know in the comment section below and i will get back to you

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