Uncharted 3 gameplay trailer

Mass Effect 3 Gamescom Trailer

Sunday, March 20, 2011

VNQ10 Bouncy's Turn

Right 2 people have had there turn and so from now on the VNQ10 will be from the people on my twitter friends list or xbox live friends list.

So first up off my list is a great chap who is a little bit insane however in a good way, this chap is a huge gamer and a big movie fan like yours truly.
I hope you enjoy his responses and don't forget if you would like to take part leave a comment in the section below or let me know on twitter @VN_Stuart.

1 - If you could be any videogame character who would you be and why?
Would love to say Sonic the Hedgehog, but no... I would have to be Yusuf from GTA IV - Ballad of Gay Tony (as voiced by Omid Djalili). Just an amazing character with warmth and far too much money.
2 - What does your favourite movie say about you?
My favourite movie changes a LOT, so I guess it suggests that I have fickle tastes.
3 - If you could play truth or dare with anybody from the past who would it be and what truth would you ask them and what dare would you tell them to do?
I almost said Darth Vader then... anyways. Erm... I would say Jesus. I would require him to give me the truth about who his father was and as a dare I'd get him to be a Muslim for a week.
4 - If Videogames were to end what would you like to end it on?
One huge Super Smash Brothers type game with EVERY major character from the last 40 years.
5 - The PS3 has been related to a sandwich toaster, so what sandwich would you toast in it?
Meatball Marinara.
6 - What movie would you like to see turned into videogame?
Battle Royale.
7 - Apart from where you live what country would you like to live in?
Canada or Finland - I love snowy towns that have it almost year-round.
8 - If you had a lot of money which videogame company would you buy and why?
Sega, as I adore Sonic the Hedgehog and that way I would OWN HIM! Also I'd be able to stop any future games having 'Dr Eggman' instead of Robotnik, as well as commissioning Shenmue III.
9 - What is your favourite chocolate bar?
Although not specifically a bar as such, Cadbury's Creme Egg - I can't stand the 'Twisted' Creme Egg bar.
10 - Which famous celebrity would you like to see turned into a videogame character and how would you kill them in the game?
I would rather have a version of Bulletstorm which replaces all enemies with 'celebrities' who have appeared in Heat or OK magazine in the last five years. Then I'd let rip.

Well that's Bouncy's answers and like I've said above if you would like to take part when i get back then let me know

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