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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Movie Review: Scre4m (Scream 4)

10 years have passed since the Ghostface killer went on his murderous rampage at Woodsboro and the victim of all of this Sidney Prescott has returned to her home town on her last stop of her book tour however the past is getting ready to strike again and no soon enough the Ghostface killer is back and ready to repeat what happened 10 years ago.

What I thought
Now before i get into anything I have to say that i'm a huge fan of the first two Scream movies they showed that horror wasn't dead and that there was a way of breathing life into it however with the third movie Wes Craven lost the plot as it was just plain terrible so with the 4th one in the movie franchise he is trying to regain some ground he lost with the third one and for the most part he has succeeded.

We all know how the first movie went and it introduced us to and horror icon so with the 4th movie he wanted to bring the Ghostface killer back up to the forefront again as Freddy, Jason and Michael Myers have had updated movies in that time so is Ghostface still as scary as before, well the simple answer there is NO.

You see the main problem i had with Scre4m is that it didn't try anything new at all, instead of it being the reboot of the franchise that Craven was hoping for it turned out to be just a sort of remake of the first one.
Now i'm not going to go into any plot spoilers but i will say that if you have seen the first one then you will probably be able to map out the entire film from how people are killed down to the ending and for me this is a bad thing as the best thing about the original Scream was that you didn't know what to expect and from start to finish you were always trying to guess who the killer was.

It's not all doom a gloom though there are a few elements of the movie that did work, firstly the opening 15 minutes are actually done quite well and while doesn't hit the high that the first one did it's still a very enjoyable opening.
Secondly the humour of the Scream movies is well intact with this one as there are points that you will laugh, one point of the movie that brought a smile to my face was the slight mickey take of the Saw franchise calling it out by saying that it's just torture porn and gory for gore sakes.
Finally the character who i liked through the other 3 movies is on top form here and that's Deputy Dewy who is brilliantly played by David Arquette, plus it's nice to see Gale still having a bitchy side.

So while this is nothing new and fails on some aspects it's nice to see the Scream movies have found there way after the awful Scream 3.
One other thing to quickly point out is that the writer of the movie is credited to Kevin Williamson who wrote the first two however there were a few problems with the script that he did so they got the writer from the third one Ehren Kruger to make a few rewrites and you can probably tell as the part she did was the middle 20 minutes and this is where the movie just gets boring like the third movie.

Score 70%

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