Uncharted 3 gameplay trailer

Mass Effect 3 Gamescom Trailer

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Showcase: Let me in and Dead Space 2

Its been a while since i did a showcase post and as you know its about me choosing one movie and one game that you should see and play so i thought it was about time for a new one and my picks this time are very important.
Let Me In
Back in 2008 there was a movie that would change the way we would look at vampire films forever (not that bloody shitfest that is Twilight) and that movie was Let the Right One in, this movie was one of those rare gems something that would take a genre that had become a little stale as nobody knew what to do with it and take it to a place that it has never been before.
Fastfoward to now and one of the directors of Cloverfield is attempting to remake the movie and to try and add that american spin on it however instead of just doing a straight forward port of the movie they are trying to do there own take on it and by the trailers and information on the movie it seems that he might of succeeded and in a big way.
Dead Space 2
There is one genre of games that has been overlooked with this generation and thats survival horror yes we have had Resident Evil 5 which turned out to just be a action game and yes we had a new Silent Hill but that was just to watered down so it was up to one company that would change that and surprise surprise it was EA and what a job they did.
The first Dead Space game turned out to be bloody scary and so brilliant it holds a place in my top 5 games of this generation so i have high hopes of a new one and from what i've seen late January can't come to soon as this is my most looked forward to game in the next 6 months (yes that means COD as well).

So when these two gems come out i implore you to go and see Let me in and make sure you preorder Dead Space 2 now

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