Uncharted 3 gameplay trailer

Mass Effect 3 Gamescom Trailer

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Showcase Special Medal of Honor

It's typical isn't it when you plan to do a normal Showcase post something big comes along that demands a little bit of attention and that trailer happens to be the new Medal of Honor trailer that features Linkin Parks new track the Catalyst.

Over the last few years Activision has been dominating the first person shooter genre with the Call of Duty series thus leaving the originator Medal of Honor grasping at the left overs and it didn't help that the last MOH game didn't sell that well even though it got good scores from the critics, well now EA are wanting some of that power back and by the look of the new trailer it might work.

Instead of me going on and on about the game why don't you watch the trailer and tell me what you think.

Oh and don't forget that Linkin Parks new track the Catalyst is out in a few days and there new album is due out on the 10th September

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